Talk tittle: Integration of data-driven and model-based engineering in future industrial technology
On February 21st, 17:00-18:00, Prof. dr. ir. B. (Bayu) Jayawardhana will give a talk about the future of industrial technology.
Abstract: The development of reliable and agile digital twins of physical high-tech systems and materials is key to enabling shorter time-to-market, zero-defect & flexible manufacturing systems with accurate predictive maintenance. This requires the synergy between model-based engineering and data-driven/artificial intelligence approaches. In this talk, we will provide an overview of the Dutch TTW Perspectief programme on DIGITAL TWIN that investigates the integration of data-driven approaches and advances in model-based control and decision based systems in high-tech systems. A number of use-cases will be presented.
More information about this event can be found here: (external link).
Digital Twin 2021 program day
This event is planned for December 8th 2021 and will be happening virtually using Spatialchat!
During this day all the researchers and stakeholders will share and deep dive into the current progress of the different use cases. The meeting will be closed with a keynote lecture of Dr. Steven L. Brunton (Professor of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Washington).
Kick-Off Digital Twin Perspectief Program
On 25th November 2020, the online Kick-0ff meeting of the Digital Twin Perspectief program is planned. During this meeting the program, its goals and overview of all projects will be given. Important part of the meeting are the presentations of use-case of the involved industrial partners. The meeting will be closed by a keynote lecture of Prof. George Karniadakis (Brown University, USA).